Elevate Your Ride: Training Today's New Dynamic Cycling Workouts

Explore Training Today's new dynamic cycling workouts for Apple Watch, tailored to enhance your training based on your readiness score.

Elevate Your Ride: Training Today's New Dynamic Cycling Workouts

Training Today has unveiled its latest feature for cyclists: dynamic cycling workouts. Integrated seamlessly with Apple Watch, this update promises to enhance your training sessions by adapting workouts to your readiness to train (RTT) score, ensuring you exercise at the optimal intensity for your current condition.

What's New?

Following the success of their specialized running programs, Training Today's introduction of cycling-specific workouts is a game-changer for bike riders. These workouts, crafted by professional coaches, are designed to maximize your performance and safety during every ride. The new update brings a tailored training approach, making it easier than ever to achieve your cycling goals.

Dynamic Cycling Workouts: Tailored to Your Needs

The dynamic workouts are divided into five categories, each focusing on a specific aspect of cycling fitness:

  1. Power – Boost your explosive strength and speed.
  2. Endurance – Increase your ability to sustain long rides.
  3. Speed Endurance – Develop speed over extended periods.
  4. Recovery – Focus on active recovery to refresh your body.
  5. Tempo – Improve your pace and control.

You can also select from various challenge levels, from Easy to Challenging, based on your RTT score. This customization ensures the workout intensity is just right, preventing overtraining and promoting efficient progress.

Seamless Integration and Real-Time Guidance

Choose to base your workout on heart rate zones or power zones, offering flexibility in how you train. Heart rate-based sessions help maintain a specific aerobic effort, while power-based workouts leverage power meter data for precision training. Once you select a workout, it syncs directly to your Apple Watch, providing step-by-step guidance throughout your ride.

Subscription Options and More

Training Today is available as a free download on the App Store. To access all features, opt for a subscription starting at £2.95 per month or take advantage of the limited-time lifetime purchase option at £26.99. This investment unlocks a suite of features designed to optimize your training and health.

Expert Insights

Ian Blackburn, Founder and Ade Bungay, Head Coach at Training Today, emphasize the importance of using the RTT score for informed training decisions. Their expertise ensures that each workout not only challenges you but also supports your overall fitness journey.

For more details on how to enhance your cycling training with Training Today, visit their official website at Training Today App.