Handlebars & Headlines: Oct 4, 2023 Picks

Handlebars & Headlines: Oct 4, 2023 Picks

🎥 Horror on Wheels For the adventure cyclists with a penchant for the eerie, The Radavist’s top ten horror films to spook your spokes is a must-see list. Dive in if you dare!

🗳️ Political Pep Talk The Atlantic delves into the Republican targeting of PEPFAR, 25 million saved from HIV/AIDS globally, better cancel that shit!

🚧 Pedal Power Protest Montreal’s new bike lanes stir the pot, as protests, assaults, and vandalism erupt. Cycling Magazine pedals through the tumultuous terrain.

🌌 Revolutionary Visions Erik Wernquist takes us on a mesmerizing journey with his visual masterpiece, One Revolution Per Minute. It’s a cosmic carousel you wouldn’t want to miss.

📈 Pedal Planning Nate Dunn at Data Driven Athlete unravels the knotty question of how to periodize a cycling season for optimum performance. Yes, it’s time to think about 2024.

🚴 Cav’s Comeback The cycling realm holds its breath as Mark Cavendish postpones retirement. Catch the full story on Cyclist.

🚗 Fill Your Crack This thing has saved my phone, my keys, and plenty of other junk from the guillotine otherwise known as my automatic car seat.

🐄 Cosmic Cow Conundrum Astrobites milks the ‘Holy Cow’ phenomenon for insights into the Hubble Tension mystery. It’s an udderly intriguing read!

🎨 Paper Pedals 100copies unfolds the beauty of cycling in a unique art piece, Brompton meets wormhole.

📊 Spreadsheet Spectacles Tatsuo Horiuchi takes Excel to an extraordinary level by creating captivating digital art. It’s proof that spreadsheets can indeed paint a thousand words.

Now for Some Real Horror